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Ursula as the Devil

In the story of Adam and Eve, Eve is persuaded by the Devil in serpent form to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Ursula, with her tentacles and slimy nature can be firstly compared with a serpent, and secondly to the Devil himself. It is a well-known fact that Ariel has the most beautiful voice in Atlantica and when Ursula realizes that she has an opportuinity to have it all to herself, she persuades Ariel to sign it over. Much like the Devil in the story of Adam and Eve, Ursula's main goal is to lead Ariel into temptation and she does just that. She convinces Ariel to go against the word of her father and causes nothing but trouble from the moment she appears in the film. The serpent in the story of Adam and Eve and Ursula would probably have been great pals because they are both so evil and manipulative in nature. It is no wonder that it is their characters that are so closely related when comparing these two stories. 

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